In this issue

Five Decades Behind the Limelight: Crown-Of-Thorns Sea Star Outbreaks Razing the Already Ailing Philippine Reefs
Sensory Characteristics and Storage Analysis of Newly Developed Spider Conch Balls from the Spider Conch (Lambis lambis)
First Report of Ichthyofaunal Composition in the River of Maduao, Maco, Davao de Oro, Philippines
Morphological and Genetic Diversity Assessment of Freshwater Prawns (Macrobrachium spp.) in the Cairawan River, Antique Province, Panay Island, Philippines
Synthesis and Characterization of Phytoandrogen from Different Species of Pine Trees and its Potential Use for Aquaculture
Status of the Salt Industry in the Philippines: Production, Challenges, and Opportunities
Assessment of the Acetes Beach Seine Fishery in Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines
Assessment of Socio-demographic Predictors of Fish Farmers’ Access to Formal Credit Sources in Ogun West Senatorial District, Nigeria
Metamorphic Success and Production cost of Holothuria scabra Reared on Microalgae Concentrates Compared with Live Microalgae
Efficacy of Seaweed Liquid Extract from Ulva spp. in Improving Growth and Chlorophyll-a Content of Eucheuma denticulatum in Tissue Culture
Optimized Nutritional Intakes of Fishers’ Children in Coastal Communities in Mabini, Davao de Oro, Philippines
Initial Assessment of the Benthic Profile and Reef Fish Composition of the Damilisan Marine Sanctuary, Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines
Morphology, Phylogeny and Discovery of the Antioxidant Potential of a Marine Dinoflagellate Karlodinium ballantinum (Kareniaceae, Dinophyceae) Isolated from Subic Bay, Zambales, Central Luzon, Philippines
Proximate Composition and Physico-chemical Properties of Dried Pyropia acanthophora in Sta. Praxedes, Cagayan, Philippines

Journal Issue Volume 31 Issue 1 Five Decades Behind the Limelight: Crown-Of-Thorns Sea Star Outbreaks Razing...

Review Article

Five Decades Behind the Limelight: Crown-Of-Thorns Sea Star Outbreaks Razing the Already Ailing Philippine Reefs

Vivia Anne Lourdes O. Pepingco, Chona Camille Vince Cruz–Abeledo

Department of Biology, College of Science, De La Salle University, Philippines

Page 1-16 | Received 28 Sep 2022, Accepted 19 Feb 2024


A massive decline in Hard Coral Cover has been observed in the Philippines over the past decades, and Crown-of-thorns Sea star (COTS) outbreaks contribute to this decline. Effectively managing these outbreaks will aid in conserving the country’s reefs. However, questions about the extent of the damage caused by outbreaks, the biology of the Philippine COTS, and the nature and triggers of outbreaks dramatically limit the development of effective management. This review presents the existing knowledge of the biology of the Philippine COTS, past and present COTS outbreaks in the country, and current management strategies used to control these outbreaks. An extensive literature search was done to consolidate historical reports of COTS outbreaks from published journal articles, news articles, and personal communication with government agencies and other organizations. Results showed that COTS was reported in the Philippines as early as 1938, but outbreaks have been documented for the past five decades. COTS outbreaks have been consistently reported in the waters of Cebu, Central Visayas from 2002 to 2008 and 2018 to 2021. COTS spawning in the Philippines was reported during the summer months from March to May, but further studies are needed on other aspects of its biology, especially on its morphology, reproductive capacity, larval biology, and feeding capacity. Lastly, a Philippine COTS management program involving the government, the academe, and citizen scientists is urgently needed to monitor COTS outbreaks and minimize its effects on the country’s ailing reefs.

Keywords: Acanthaster, Outbreaks, Biology, Management, Coral Health