In this issue

Five Decades Behind the Limelight: Crown-Of-Thorns Sea Star Outbreaks Razing the Already Ailing Philippine Reefs
Sensory Characteristics and Storage Analysis of Newly Developed Spider Conch Balls from the Spider Conch (Lambis lambis)
First Report of Ichthyofaunal Composition in the River of Maduao, Maco, Davao de Oro, Philippines
Morphological and Genetic Diversity Assessment of Freshwater Prawns (Macrobrachium spp.) in the Cairawan River, Antique Province, Panay Island, Philippines
Synthesis and Characterization of Phytoandrogen from Different Species of Pine Trees and its Potential Use for Aquaculture
Status of the Salt Industry in the Philippines: Production, Challenges, and Opportunities
Assessment of the Acetes Beach Seine Fishery in Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines
Assessment of Socio-demographic Predictors of Fish Farmers’ Access to Formal Credit Sources in Ogun West Senatorial District, Nigeria
Metamorphic Success and Production cost of Holothuria scabra Reared on Microalgae Concentrates Compared with Live Microalgae
Efficacy of Seaweed Liquid Extract from Ulva spp. in Improving Growth and Chlorophyll-a Content of Eucheuma denticulatum in Tissue Culture
Optimized Nutritional Intakes of Fishers’ Children in Coastal Communities in Mabini, Davao de Oro, Philippines
Initial Assessment of the Benthic Profile and Reef Fish Composition of the Damilisan Marine Sanctuary, Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines
Morphology, Phylogeny and Discovery of the Antioxidant Potential of a Marine Dinoflagellate Karlodinium ballantinum (Kareniaceae, Dinophyceae) Isolated from Subic Bay, Zambales, Central Luzon, Philippines
Proximate Composition and Physico-chemical Properties of Dried Pyropia acanthophora in Sta. Praxedes, Cagayan, Philippines

Journal Issue Volume 31 Issue 1 Metamorphic Success and Production cost of ...

Research Article

Metamorphic Success and Production cost of Holothuria scabra Reared on Microalgae Concentrates Compared with Live Microalgae

Olivier Josh C. Caasi ORCID logo, Marie Antonette Juinio–Meñez ORCID logo

The Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City 1101

Page 95-125 | Received 25 Apr 2023, Accepted 07 Mar 2024


The production of live microalgae poses challenges for the expansion of sandfish hatcheries, hindered by high costs and limited technical resources. In relation to this, the use of three imported commercial concentrates (Instant Algae®) - TW1200 (Thalassiosira weisflogii), TISO1800 (Isochrysis sp.), and Shellfish1800 (mixed diatom) - were compared with live Chaetoceros calcitrans (CC). The diet efficacy was evaluated based on larval development, growth, and survival to late auricularia (LA) with hyaline spheres (HS), and the number of post-settled juveniles. Larvae reared with TW did not progress beyond LA, while those fed CC exhibited earlier LA development, larger sizes (1028.43 ± 19.38 μm), and significantly more post–settled juveniles (9,268 ± 2,183.79) compared to SHELL and TISO. Although TISO larvae reached a larger size during LA (855.7 ± 62.67 μm), SHELL resulted in a higher number of post-settled juveniles. The better performance of CC and SHELL may be attributed to their higher carbohydrate content. Despite SHELL and TISO having lower juvenile yields and longer feeding durations, the estimated cost per juvenile using SHELL, TISO, and CC were PHP 2.00, PHP 11.77, and PHP 0.52, respectively. Results showed that microalgae concentrates are not a cost-effective option under the studied conditions. The potential use of microalgae concentrates as supplemental feeds and further research to develop the use of local microalgae concentrates to sandfish larval culture are discussed.

Keywords: Holothuria scabra, microalgae concentrate, larval diet, metamorphic and settlement success, production efficiency