In this issue

Five Decades Behind the Limelight: Crown-Of-Thorns Sea Star Outbreaks Razing the Already Ailing Philippine Reefs
Sensory Characteristics and Storage Analysis of Newly Developed Spider Conch Balls from the Spider Conch (Lambis lambis)
First Report of Ichthyofaunal Composition in the River of Maduao, Maco, Davao de Oro, Philippines
Morphological and Genetic Diversity Assessment of Freshwater Prawns (Macrobrachium spp.) in the Cairawan River, Antique Province, Panay Island, Philippines
Synthesis and Characterization of Phytoandrogen from Different Species of Pine Trees and its Potential Use for Aquaculture
Status of the Salt Industry in the Philippines: Production, Challenges, and Opportunities
Assessment of the Acetes Beach Seine Fishery in Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines
Assessment of Socio-demographic Predictors of Fish Farmers’ Access to Formal Credit Sources in Ogun West Senatorial District, Nigeria
Metamorphic Success and Production cost of Holothuria scabra Reared on Microalgae Concentrates Compared with Live Microalgae
Efficacy of Seaweed Liquid Extract from Ulva spp. in Improving Growth and Chlorophyll-a Content of Eucheuma denticulatum in Tissue Culture
Optimized Nutritional Intakes of Fishers’ Children in Coastal Communities in Mabini, Davao de Oro, Philippines
Initial Assessment of the Benthic Profile and Reef Fish Composition of the Damilisan Marine Sanctuary, Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines
Morphology, Phylogeny and Discovery of the Antioxidant Potential of a Marine Dinoflagellate Karlodinium ballantinum (Kareniaceae, Dinophyceae) Isolated from Subic Bay, Zambales, Central Luzon, Philippines
Proximate Composition and Physico-chemical Properties of Dried Pyropia acanthophora in Sta. Praxedes, Cagayan, Philippines

Journal Issue Volume 31 Issue 1 Assessment of the Acetes Beach Seine Fishery...

Research Article

Assessment of Socio-demographic Predictors of Fish Farmers’ Access to Formal Credit Sources in Ogun West Senatorial District, Nigeria

Olalekan J. Olaoye1,

1 Agricultural Media Resources and Extension Centre, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
2 Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
3 Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Page 95-108 | Received 27 Sep 2023, Accepted 22 Feb 2024


This study assessed socio-demographic predictors of fish farmers’ access to formal credit sources (FCSs) in Ogun West Senatorial District, Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used to select 75 fish farmers. Data were elicited with an interview schedule and subjected to descriptive and inferential statistics. Results revealed that the mean age of the fish farmers was 45.25±9.362 years old and that the majority were male (88.0%), married (74.7%), had tertiary education (72.0%), non-members of cooperative societies (77.3%), practiced monoculture (94.7%), and had a household size of 1-5 persons (76.0%) with a mean household size of 5±2 persons. The highest proportion of fish farmers (64.0%) sourced the fish seeds from commercial hatcheries, while 40.0% sourced the fish seeds from their own farms. Borehole was the source of water for 76.0 % of the fish farmers, while 41.3% used well water sources. Over one-third (34.7%) had no access to any FCSs. Inadequate funding (64.0%), inadequate fish farm inputs (80.0%), and poor extension service (69.3%) were considered severe constraints to fish farming development. Results of logistic regression revealed that age (Wald = 11.826, p ≤ 0.01), membership in cooperative societies (Wald = 5.013, p≤0.05), and educational level (Wald = 5.984, p ≤ 0.05) were significant socio-demographic predictors of fish farmers’ access to formal credit sources. It was concluded that socio-demographic variables could significantly predict fish farmers’ access to FCSs. It was recommended that fish farmers should join cooperative societies and participate in the activities of their societies.

Keywords: aquaculture, credit source, credit use, financial sources, personal savings