Lease of Venue including Food Provision and Accommodation for the Conduct of the TWG Meetings, Training and Consultation Meetings under SMARTSeas PH Project in Palawan
Bid Reference No. 2019-008
Supply and Installation of Customized Laboratory Cabinets, Tables, Drawers, Chairs/Stools, Glass Doors, Canopies Ducting with Motor Blowers
Bid Reference No. 2019-007
Supply of Laboratory Services for Heavy Metals and Hydrogen Sulphide Analysis in Fishery Resources, Seawater and Sediments
Bid Reference No. 2019-006
Supply, Delivery and Installation of Automated Soxhlet Extractor with Refrigerated Chiller
Bid Reference No. 2019-005
Supply and Delivery Automatic Digestion with Scrubber