The Philippine Journal of Fisheries

Advanced Online Publication

Regular Issue (January-June 2025)

The “aramang” industry’s economic contribution to the local and export markets has been significant for more than two decades. However, due to resource overexploitation, stock depletion is being experienced. A management strategy called “Gentleman’s Agreement” (GA), an informal agreement based on oral arguments and thrusts of all parties involved has been adopted by the “aramang” fisherfolk in Aparri, Cagayan, as a tool to conserve and bring back the abundance of the stocks. This study tries to assess the status of stocks when this GA is being implemented in the area as a basis for policy formulation to improve resource utilization. Stock assessment methodologies and participatory rural appraisal (PRA) were used.

Research Article | February 28, 2025
Gender Participation in the Capture and Marketing Sectors of the Glass Eel Fisheries in Aparri, Cagayan, Philippines
Leon A. Antonio, Jr*, Evelyn C. Ame, Emma L. Ballad, Marites Ramos-Castro, Isagani P. Angeles Jr., Maryjoy Libatique-Asprec

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The contribution of women in the fisheries sector is often underappreciated and under-valued because fisheries have long been considered a male-dominated sector. Studies have shown, however, that countries that value women’s involvement in this sector have reached high levels of economic growth and social well-being. Thus, the present study assessed the women’s participation in the capture and marketing sectors of the glass eel fisheries in the five coastal villages surrounding the mouth of Cagayan River in Aparri, Cagayan, Philippines. A household interview and a small group discussion were conducted to gather relevant and in-depth data on the different aspects like socioeconomic status, present roles, activities, responsibilities, access to and control over resources, and problems and constraints of both genders in the study area.

This study investigated the effects of dietary vitamin C (vitC) and lipid on the expression of immune-related genes in Litopenaeus vannamei postlarvae subjected to thermal stress, with water temperature fluctuating from 27.0 ± 1.1 to 34.0 ± 1.8 °C for 15 days. Three experimental diets were formulated containing two different levels of vitC (1 and 3 g kg -1) and lipid (17 and 34 g kg -1). Significantly higher total hemocyte count (9.63 × 105 ± 3.28 × 105 cells ml -1) was observed in shrimp fed 3 g kg -1 vitC and 34 g kg -1 lipid diets. Using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and the comparative 2-ΔΔCt method, the dietary vitC level of 3 g kg -1 significantly upregulated heat shock protein 90 (HSP90), heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), anti-lipopolysaccharide factor (ALF), crustin, and the Prophenoloxidase (proPO) system.

Research Article | December 16, 2024
The Post-Harvest Handling Practices of Glass Eel in Aparri, Cagayan: Operations, Challenges and Recommendations
Rea Mae O. Casco*, Mary Joy L. Asprec, Marites R. Castro, Isagani P. Angeles Jr., Emma L. Ballad, Evelyn C. Ame

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This study documented the post-harvest handling of glass eel gatherers in Aparri, Cagayan which can serve as baseline information for the establishment of possible management measures to improve the practices of glass eel gathering, conditioning and maintenance for a more sustainable utilization of the stocks and avoid large post-harvest losses in the process. The demographic profile, post-harvest handling practices, and challenges encountered in each step of post-harvest practices were determined. The study was conducted through individual interviews with 165 glass eel gatherers and five local consolidators.

Research Article | November 26, 2024
First Record of Hermaphroditism in Green Mussels (Perna viridis) in the Philippines
Adzel Adrian G. Baldevieso*, Ma. Shirley M. Golez, and Fiona L. Pedroso

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This paper reports an incidence of hermaphroditism in green mussel (Perna viridis) in Inner Malampaya Sound, Taytay Palawan, Philippines, through histology. One hermaphrodite specimen (0.18% of the total samples) was recorded. The sample was macroscopically classified as a male. However, histology showed the presence of both male and female gametes inside the gonad with the dominance of male gametes.

CiteScore 2023
15th percentile

Source Normalized Impact per Paper 2023
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Special Issue

The Ovaries and Testes: A Gaze Towards the First Record of Gonad Morphogenesis through Macrostructure and Histoanatomy of Frigate Tuna (Auxis thazard) in Southern Philippines
John Christian D. Entia*, Niña Mae B. Nabre, Glennville A. Castrence, Blessie Justine G. Arellano, Red Arthur Duke Amoncio, James T. Wetzel, Edna P. Guevarra


At the Onset of Gonadogenesis: The First Description of Ovarian and Testicular Macro and Microanatomical Maturation of Bullet Tuna (Auxis rochei) in Southern Philippines
John Christian D. Entia*, Niña Mae B. Nabre, Glennville A. Castrence, Blessie Justine G. Arellano, Red Arthur Duke Amoncio, James T. Wetzel, Edna P. Guevarra


Gonadal Organogenesis and Histoarchitecture of Eastern Little Tuna (Euthynnus affinis): Initial Report on Reproductive Apparatus Profile in Southern Philippines
John Christian D. Entia*, Niña Mae B. Nabre, Glennville A. Castrence, Blessie Justine G. Arellano, Red Arthur Duke Amoncio, James T. Wetzel, Edna P. Guevarra


Age Determination and Growth of Frigate Tuna (Auxis thazard, Lacepede, 1800) in the Celebes Sea
Crissa Mae A. De Vera*, Raulito P. Abella Jr., Angelica C. Hedoquio, Diofel A. Tampoy, Jiede Bea J. Templado, Mark Wendell M. Matunog, Aijeleth Mae Cuanan, Edna P. Guevarra, Cleto L. Nañola Jr.*


Otolith Morphology of Neritic Tuna of the Genus Auxis (Teleostei: Scombridae) Reveals Mixed Stocks in the Celebes Sea
Diofel A. Tampoy*, Crissa Mae A. De Vera, Jiede Bea J. Templado, Irian Van S. Ledda, Angelica C. Hedoquio, Raulito P. Abella Jr., Mark Wendell M. Matunog, Aijeleth Mae Cuanan, Red Arthur Duke A. Amoncio, Ariel T. Ortiz, Edna P. Guevarra, Cleto L. Nañola Jr.*



Review Article

Fish Otolith Analysis in Southeast Asia: Expanding its Taxonomic Roots to More Ecological Targets
Justine Daniel A. Calizo, Ricardo B. Valenzuela Jr., Vanessa V. Martinez, Jonathan Carlo A. Briones*

Fisheries Traceability, Drivers, and Barriers to its Adoption: A Review
Edison D. Macusi*, Ivy M. Nallos, Elaine Q. Borazon, Miko C. Castro, Christine P. Peralez

Microplastic Contamination of Four Important Commercial Fish in East Coast of North Sumatera Province, Indonesia
Rahmatsyah Rahmatsyah*, Syarifuddin Syarifuddin, Rita Juliani, Adilla F. Azzahra, Sherly Rahmeida, Agung S. Batubara

Quantification of Histamine Concentration, Identification, and Antibiotic Resistance of Potential Histamine-Forming Bacteria in Bullet Tuna
Sophia T. Delos Santos, Jamil Allen G. Fortaleza, Gelian M. Bastian, Jimson Deyta, El-jay M. Managuelod, Daniel Lance R. Nevado, Ramonita A. Salazar, Rener S. De Jesus*

Quantifying the Current and Future Risk of Invasiveness of the Non-native Fishes in Ramsar-listed Lake Naujan, Philippines
Allan S. Gilles Jr* , Jean-Matthew B. Bate, Ma. Angela Klarizze H. Solomon, Elfritzson M. Peralta, Richard Thomas B. Pavia Jr, Lorenzo Vilizzi

Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of Milkfish Fry Fishery in Selected Sites in Argao and Bantayan, Cebu, Philippines
Angelli Marie Jacynth Asis Egar*, Paul John L. Geraldino, Mudjekeewis D. Santos

Growth and Survival of the Tapiroid Grunter, Mesopristes cancellatus (Cuvier, 1829) in Different Salinity Levels Under Laboratory Conditions
Jessie G. Gorospe, Emilie G. Tubio, Christina S. Nebres, Fernie Catienza, JR B. Pagalan, Hilbert D. Cañada*, Marnelle B. Sornito, Jocelyn N. Gorospe

Elevated Salinity Tolerance of Reciprocal Hybrids of Improved Brackishwater Enhanced Selected Tilapia (iBEST) Oreochromis spp.
Francis Gerald N. Madrid, Lyda B. Balagtey, Milagros M. Apaga, Jesusa Q. Undan, Jhonny L. Munar, Eric J. Morales, Archebald N. Valiente, Roniño C. Del Pilar, Ma. Jodecel C. Danting, Casiano H. Choresca Jr.*